Closure at the Mount of Olives: After more than seven decades, kaddish was recited over the tomb of this victim of the 1936–1939 Arab revolt. His desecrated tombstone was rebuilt thanks to the City of David organization.
A rare and exciting discovery: A bulla (seal impression) and a 2,600-year-old stamp bearing Hebrew names were uncovered in the City of David. The artifacts were discovered inside a public building that was destroyed during the destruction of the First Temple and were uncovered in archaeological excavations of the Givati Parking Lot in the City of David National Park in Jerusalem. The dig was conducted by archeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority and Tel Aviv University.
A new study reveals: The Jerusalem Elite in the Kingdom of Judah Preferred Wine with Touches of Vanilla
Researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Israel Antiquities Authority examined jars unearthed during excavations in the City of David National Park and were surprised to find remnants of the exotic spice from 2600 years ago. The researchers: "The discovery of vanilla fantastically illustrates which luxury products came here - possibly from India and its surroundings, thanks to Jerusalem sitting on the international trade route."