Kidron Valley

You don’t have to travel to Petra to see impressive rock-hewn structures. Right here in the Kidron Valley, at the foot of the Mount of Olives, you can find massive stone formations that have been extraordinarily well-preserved, even by international standards.

Absalom’s Pillar, remarkable in both its size and unique shape, sits beside the Tomb of Bnei Hezir and the Tomb of Zechariah.

The Kidron Valley is a beautiful and picturesque place, full of lush vegetation which changes colors according to the season. It is possible to walk from the valley to a variety of City of David sites, making it the perfect location for a morning picnic before visiting the City of David.

For information about activities on the Mount of Olives

Essential Information

Please Note:

Access to the Kidron Valley by private vehicle or public transportation is possible up to the Information Center on the Mount of Olives. From there, you can descend the stairs located to the right of the Information Center to reach the Kidron Valley.

Private Vehicles

Organized parking is available by the Information Center at Derech Yericho 5, Jerusalem

Search in Waze, “Mount of Olives Information Center”

To navigate with Waze

Public Transportation

Bus lines to the Mount of Olives Information Center:

83,83A ,51

Get off at the first stop on Derech Yericho.

One may take the 84 bus from Ammunition Hill, adjacent to the Light Rail, to Maaleh Har Hazeitim by the entrance to the Seven Arches Hotel.

Another option is bus line 1 and 3 in the direction of the Western Wall and get off three stops before the Western Wall stop at the Derech Yericho/Ha’Ofel stop. From there, walk toward the traffic light, cross the street, and walk to the cemetery which is after the large church. To the right, there is an Israeli flag and a large sign pointing to the Information Center.

To navigate with Google Maps

Blooming Forever: The Story of the Kidron Valley

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