In many cases, the burial society may have information beyond that available in the Information Center. The Chevra Kadisha is also the correct venue for any queries of logistical nature, such as burial plot purchases, maintenance, funeral arrangements, etc.

The following are the contact details for the various Chevrot Kadisha (if you don’t know which Chevra Kadisha you need to contact, please contact the information center:

  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Sephardi community: tel. 02-6254371, Sun.-Thurs., between 9:00 -14:00.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Georgian community: tel. 052-5364060, Sun.-Thurs., between 9:00 -12:00.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Maghreb community: tel.02-5472930, Sun.-Thurs., between 8:00 -14:00.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Perushim community: tel. 02-5384144, Sun.-Thurs., between 10:00 -14:30.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Hasidic community: tel. 02-5384518, Sun.-Thurs., between 8:00 -13:00.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of Kollel Polin: tel. 02-5370565, Sun.-Thurs., between 8:00 -13:00.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Bavlim (Iraqi) community: tel. 02-6252842, Sun.-Thurs., between 8:30 -14:00.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Persian community: tel. 02-6248322, Sun.-Thurs., between 9:00 -12:00.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Afghani community: tel. 052-5999302, Sun.-Thurs., between 11:00 -16:00.
  • Chevra Kadisha Kehilat Yerushalayim: tel. 02-6252281, Sun.-Thurs., between 8:00 -15:00.
  • The Chevra Kadisha of the Yemenite community: tel. 02-5383786, Sun.-Thurs., between 9:00 -14:00.
  • Mount of Olives Information Center: 02-6275050, Sun.-Thurs., between 9:00 -17:00.
  • Mount of Olives security center (24 hrs): 02-6271598
  • Moetzet Batei HaAlmin Hayehudim B’Yerushalyim (Council of Jewish Cemeteries in Jerusalem) – 02-5311187
  • Chevra Kadisha Kolel Volhynia: 02-5384488
  • Kolel Hibat Jerusalem for the Galician Community: 02-6288016
  • Chevra Kadisha Mashadi – Mishaal Levy: 052-2639555
  • Private Section Nachalat HaNeviim: 052-7168700, 054-8482672
  • Emergency Hotline for Deceased (from transport to information for relatives): 0120*

Searching for Burial Plots by Chevra Kadisha

You can search for the burial plots on Waze.