How much can you do in one year? (Apparently quite a bit!)
The City of David is always on the move - we dig, research, and uncover more and more discoveries and findings that reveal the history of ancient Jerusalem.
We are constantly renewing ourselves and our offerings for our visitors, to create the perfect experience and convey the special charm of ancient Jerusalem to everyone.
This is the most extensive archaeological excavation in Jerusalem today and it reveals the layers of the city's life from the Middle Ages and back to the ancient times inside the Tyropoeon Valley
From Sachsenhausen Camp in Germany To Burial on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem
He was murdered in the Zaksenhausen camp in Germany and buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.
Yehoshua was taken during the Holocaust 84 years ago. His father, who managed to obtain his son's ashes, safeguarded them throughout the war years, emigrated to Israel, and buried them on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. After decades, recently his family members managed, with the assistance of the Mount of Olives Information Center operated by the Elad Association, to locate the burial site and soon they will visit the grave for the first time.
The Mount of Olives cemetery, though usualy treated as a single cemetery, is comprised of several adjacent cemeteries, each one owned and run by a distinct Chevra Kadisha (burial society). The operation of all the Chevrot Kadisha is overseen by Moetzet Batei HaAlmin HaYehudim B’Yerushalyim (Council of Jewish Cemeteries in Jerusalem) and the Ministry of Religious Services.